Sunday, April 25, 2010

Where Has the Time Gone?

Good grief, it's almost May.  I'm so busy doing things for others (colleagues, admin, family) that I forget to take care of myself. While I doubt that I'll add to this all that much before summer rolls around, I do pledge to return to my love of expressing myself through writing. I've been reading other folks' blogs and am motivated to add an image each time that I have captured. Well, stick around to see if I'll keep my word....

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Too Many Names....

I totally forgot that I had this other blog going, way back, once upon a time. Tune in for my comments on my waffling as to whether or not to continue as tech coach. Bottom line, I can't continue doing it and teaching so something has to give.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

ISTE | Top Ten in '10

ISTE Top Ten in '10
Something to think about as I begin working toward the end of my job as a tech coach. I informed my admin that I wanted to return to full-time teaching next year. I teach part-time now and they wanted to add another class to my load so I thought it best to make it clear that I can only do one job at a time. As much as I love dabbling in tech and exploring ways to engage students through its use, I am happiest in the classroom.